SELECT I.Description, I.DescriptionHTML, I.Code, I.PackPiecesNr, I.Id, (SELECT TOP 1 II.FileName FROM Media II WHERE II.EntityId = I.Id AND II.Type = 'IMAGE' AND II.EntityName = 'Item' ORDER BY Seq) AS Image, Trolese_WebSite.dbo.getSEOUrlByContentId(I.Code,'IT',NULL,NULL,I.LevelCode,0) AS SEOURL, COUNT(*) OVER() AS totResults FROM Item I WHERE I.LevelCode = 'ITEM' AND I.State IN (50,60) AND I.FAM IS NOT NULL AND I.Enabled = 1 AND I.Visible = 1 AND I.Deleted <> 1 AND I.State IN ('50','60') AND ((1=1 AND I.FAM = '02 ' AND I.SBFAM = '026 ') OR EXISTS (SELECT * FROM ItemCategoryAssociation WHERE ItemCode = I.Code AND FAM = '02 ' AND SBFAM = '026 ')) ORDER BY I.Seq OFFSET 330 ROWS FETCH NEXT 15 ROWS ONLY
Kit espansione 1 Raggio a doppia otticaESP-WS-TX+RX Dettagli
Barriere a raggi infrarossi Quad, 4 frequenze, portata 100mSL-350QFR-BT Barriere a raggi infrarossi Quad a basso assorbimento da esterno 4 frequenze selezionabili progettata per l’uso in colonne quindi forniti senza il coperchio e il telaio portata m 100 Fascio a raggi infrarossi di tipo Quad 4 frequenze di fascio selezi...Dettagli
180° tower, ground mounting, 2m, 1 sensor per side, 1 heaterSTW201RR 180 tower ground mounting Height 2m Sensors per side 1 RECEIVER 1 mother board with thermostat 1 heater and 1 antiopening tamper included Also beam brackets wiring and other small parts Everything prewired ready to install Price of IR beams not incl...Dettagli
Barriera serie SANDRIN,10TX e 10RX a Doppia Ottica H 250 cm.SADRIN-1025 Barriera serie SANDRIN10TX e 10RX a Doppia Ottica H 250 cm Distanza massima di utilizzo in esterno 15 m Distanza massima di utilizzo in interno 30 m Distanza massima di arrivo 60 m Ottica con doppio raggio con lenti da 15 mm in AND Fotodispositivi Ra...Dettagli
180° tower, ground mounting, 2m, 2 sensors per side, 2 heatersSTW202RR 180 tower ground mounting Height 2m Sensors per side 2 RECEIVERs 1 mother board with thermostat 2 heaters and 1 antiopening tamper included Also beam brackets wiring and other small parts Everything prewired ready to install Price of IR beams not in...Dettagli
180° tower, ground mounting, 3m, 3 sensors per side, 3 heatersSTW303RR 180 tower ground mounting Height 3m Sensors per side 3 RECEIVERs 1 mother board with thermostat 3 heaters and 1 antiopening tamper included Also beam brackets wiring and other small parts Everything prewired ready to install Price of IR beams not in...Dettagli
Barriera Quad a doppia modulazione, portata m 60SL-200QDP-BT Barriere a raggi infrarossi Quad a doppia modulazione da esterno 4 frequenze selezionabili progettata per l’uso in colonne quindi forniti senza il coperchio e il telaio portata m 60 Fascio a raggi infrarossi di tipo Quad 4 frequenze di fascio selezio...Dettagli
360° tower, ground mounting, 2m, 1 sensor per side, 2 heatersTWD202RR 360 tower ground mounting Height 2m Sensors per side 1 RECEIVERs in both sides 2 mother boards with thermostat 2 heaters and 1 antiopening tamper included Also beam brackets Price of IR beams not included Applicable to SL200350650QDPBT...Dettagli
Barriera serie SANDRIN,10TX e 10RX a Doppia Ottica H 300 cm. Bianca.SADRIN-1030-B Barriera serie SANDRIN10TX e 10RX a Doppia Ottica H 300 cm Distanza massima di utilizzo in esterno 15 m Distanza massima di utilizzo in interno 30 m Distanza massima di arrivo 60 m Ottica con doppio raggio con lenti da 15 mm in AND Fotodispositivi Ra...Dettagli
360° tower, ground mounting, 2m, 2 sensors per side, 4 heatersTWD204RR 360 tower ground mounting Height 2m Sensors per side 2 RECEIVERs in both sides 2 mother boards with thermostat 4 heaters and 1 antiopening tamper included Also beam brackets Price of IR beams not included Applicable to SL200350650QDPBT...Dettagli
180° tower, wall mounting, 2m, 1 sensor per side, 1 heaterSTWM201RR 180 tower wall mounting Height 2m Sensors per side 1 RECEIVER 1 mother board with thermostat 1 heater and 2 antiopening tamper top and bottom included Also beam brackets wiring and other small parts Everything prewired ready to install Price of IR b...Dettagli
360° tower, ground mounting, 3m, 3 sensors per side, 6 heatersTWD306RR 360 tower ground mounting Height 3m Sensors per side 3 TRANSMITTERs in both sides 2 mother boards with thermostat 6 heaters and 1 antiopening tamper included Also beam brackets Price of IR beams not included Applicable to SL200350650QDPBT...Dettagli
180° tower, wall mounting, 2m, 3 sensors per side, 3 heatersSTWM303RR 180 tower wall mounting Height 3m Sensors per side 3 RECEIVERs 1 mother board with thermostat 3 heaters and 2 antiopening tamper top and bottom included Also beam brackets Price of IR beams not included Applicable to SL200350650QDPBT...Dettagli
Barriera serie SANDRIN,8TX e 8RX a Doppia Ottica H 350 cm.SADRIN-835 Barriera serie SANDRIN8TX e 8RX a Doppia Ottica H 350 cm Distanza massima di utilizzo in esterno 15 m Distanza massima di utilizzo in interno 30 m Distanza massima di arrivo 60 m Ottica con doppio raggio con lenti da 15 mm in AND Fotodispositivi Ragg...Dettagli
Barriera serie Parvis MES SMA, 4 Doppie Ottiche TX H 300 cmMES-SMA-9300-TX Barriera serie Parvis MES SMA 4 Doppie Ottiche TX H 300 cm Distanza massima di utilizzo in esterno 100 m Distanza massima di utilizzo in interno 200 m Distanza massima di arrivo 500 m Ottica con doppio raggio con lenti da 35 mm in AND Fotodispositiv...Dettagli